Ottawa Mayoralty Candidate Darrell Duck finishes his second week on the campaign trail today and, already, some major trends, both in voter temperament and candidate candour, are coming to light.
Some of Duck’s Non-Human constituents will be disappointed
to see the Green Bins go. But most are all for trashing
the catastrophic composting program.
Duck comments:
I was suspicious to hear, this week, that a so-called Property Owners Ticket has formed up behind several of the major Campaign issues. I’m with them on canning the Green Boxes and increasing garbage pick-ups during the summer. But on other issues, I’m not so sure.
Property owners usually support development over conservation. Not only that, but they usually put their interests before those of other species with which they co-habit. That’s one reason that the majority of my constituents are cautious about any attempt to organize hard-core Property Owners.
Representatives of the Small Citizens’ Advisory Tribunal (SCAT) and the Feathered Ottawans’ Welfare Lobby (FOWL) have approached me with strong concerns about the pressures that a powerful Property Owners bloc at City Hall could place on their homes and living environments. I agree wholeheartedly.
But I also recognize that these and other groups have a history of adversarial relationships with the Human population, in general. The Squirrels and Chipmunks, for instance, have steadfastly refused to negotiate an agreement over Vegetable Gardens which would benefit both sides. My avian constituents, likewise, are adamant in their stand that they have just as much right to Raspberries, Currents, Grapes and other high-hanging fruit as the Humans. The Humans, predictably, disagree just as adamantly.
I’ve tried to bring the Humans and Non-Humans of our City together for years. And I promise I’ll continue my attempts at mediation with even greater ardour when elected. I just can’t see how an organized Property Owners bloc can help advance this vital cause.