Category Archives: Campaign News
For those Duck fans who still need some kind of closure before they can finally move on… All of us on the Strategy and Policy Committee wish to express our thanks for your interest in the Duck Campaign. Continue reading
Duck thanks Supporters…
Darrel Daffy Duck today publicly thanked his Campaign Team, Volunteers and many Supporters for their hard work and dedication in his recent unsuccessful run for Mayor of Ottawa. Continue reading
Duck Defeated! Fraud at Polls!
Flocks of Duck supporters awoke this morning to the realization that their candidate for Mayor of Ottawa had his goose cooked before things even started to heat up at the Municipal Election polls yesterday. Continue reading
Duck wraps up Campaign with a Bang!
Ottawa Mayoral candidate Darrel Duck wrapped up his official campaign today with a final address to the faithful in the Atrium at City Hall. Continue reading
Why do empty busses run all night?
“Why do we run empty buses on the Transitway all night long?” asked an overwhelming number of residents who live along or near the City’s dedicated bus routes, when quizzed by Mayoralty Candidate Darrell Duck on what their biggest Campaign issue was. Continue reading
Candidate Confronts Cancer Question!
As everyone in the know now knows, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. The outcome remains far from certain. However, his run for re-election to the Mayor’s office is over. So… Should we stop making fun of him, strike up the mournful theme music and say that he was not such as bad guy after all? Continue reading