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A Thanksgiving Message from the Candidate

Personal Greetings from Darrell Duck…

As we count down the days until the 2014 Ontario Municipal Elections, it is fitting to pause in our exertions to reflect upon all that has gone before and that which is yet to come.

Tofurky PlatterWhen you and your family gather ’round your holiday feast table,
take a moment to remember those who are less fortunate
than you – like Turkeys. They are constituents, too!
Enjoy a Tofurky Roast this year!

This weekend, we, along with all Canadians, are called upon according to generations of tradition to give thanks for all of the bounties and benefits that we enjoy as citizens of a Great Nation.

  • We enjoy universal health care with wait times in Emergency of mere hours, rather than days or weeks.
  • We live under a system of Justice whose principles are rooted in the Magna Carta and whose impartiality is limited only by our individual ability to pay for lawyers.
  • Our dining tables groan beneath the agricultural bounty of every nation, no matter what it costs to transport even a single mango to our doorstep.
  • The most advanced technology in the world is at our fingertips, and we have been blessed with so much consumer credit that we can do far more than just dream about getting our hands on it.

Let us all give thanks, then, for everything we have and everything we feel entitled to acquire in the coming year, secure in the knowledge that our immense, unprecedented debt – both as individuals and as a nation – will live on long after us to tell our tale.


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